Welcome to Curriculog
Sonoma State University’s online curriculum management system.
2024-2025 Curriculum Proposal Deadlines
Tutorials to assist you in completing proposal forms are available.
Course and Curriculum Proposal Tips
Accessing the System
If you encounter problems as you use the site or need further assistance, please contact SSU's Curriculog Administrator, Kari Manwiller at manwille@sonoma.edu.
Please login to view your personal dashboard.
Login or password is incorrect. Please Try Again.
Listed below are the symbols and colors utilized in Curriculum:
- = has not made a decision
- = approved
- = rejected
- = held
- = suspended
- = cancelled
- = multiple decisions
- = task
- = mine
- = stuck
- = urgent, out of date import source
You have selected
You can approve
your PIN
You have entered an incorrect PIN for your account. If you have forgotten your pin or don't have one, please contact an Administrator.
could not be approved